Friday, December 3, 2010


Never keep on dreaming for what will never happen it will not go how it does in your imagination. there is no point either of believing that there is hope for it at all. Believing inst seeing what you want to see. I have dreamed of something like a wish that will never come true. its never like a fairytale you dont always get a happy ending. i know this and i keep thinking it will work out but it never will cause im not a princess and this isnt a fairytale i wont be the one you sweep of her feet and even if you have the face of an angel or even if you pretend its never like it is in the movies.its like a horror film it never ends right, or starts out that way either. i can keep dreaming but i will always have a tear run down my face when i go to bed. and i cant help that i am a nerd and i am a pathetic to even dream about them.

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